How a shampoo bottle is saving young lives

ON HIS first night as a trainee paediatrician in Sylhet, Bangladesh, Mohamad Chisti (pictured above) watched three children die of pneumonia. Oxygen was being delivered to them, through a face mask or via tubes placed near their nostrils, using what is called a basic “low-flow” technique which followed World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for low-income countries. But it was clearly failing. He decided to find a better way. Dr Jobayer Chisti watched little children pass away suffering from pneumonia on [...]

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10 Proven Benefits of Green Tea Green tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet.

It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body.These include improved brain function, fat loss, a lower risk of cancer and many other impressive benefits. Below are 10 health benefits of green tea that are supported by studies. 1.Green Tea Contains Bioactive Compounds That Improve Health Green tea is more than just liquid.Many of the plant compounds in the tea leaves do make it into the final drink, which contains large amounts of important nutrients (1).Tea is [...]

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Top 10 skin whitening tips for face and body

In today’s era, everyone wants fair complexion, fairer skin and good looks to show herself/himself healthy and beautiful. So, friends, we have come up with Top Ten Best Skin Whitening Tips for you. These days, every girl wants fair skin and glow on her face and body. So here, we are sharing some Homemade Skin Whitening Tips for you. All are Natural Skin Whitening Tips with no side effects. By using this you can get a glowing skin. Skin Whitening Tips [...]

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5 Fruits You should Include In Your Cholesterol Diet

Did you know heart ailments were the top killers globally in the year 2016? When it comes to heart, it is critical that you take advices from trusted sources. One of the most common conditions faced by people of today’s generation is that of their high ‘cholesterol’ levels, which is taking a toll on their heart health. What was earlier seen as a problem associated with old age, is slowly findings its way amongst young adults too. Cholesterol is [...]

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15 Things Women With Perfect Skin Do Every Day

Everyone knows at least one woman with seemingly perfect skin. Every time you see her glowing face, you think, Seriously, how does she do it? What kind of magical procedures is she getting? Which expensive creams is she using? Here’s the thing: Her secret is simple — she has flawless skin because she’s nailed the best daily routine. Another secret? So can you. 1.She uses the correct cleanser for her skin type. “For oily or acne prone skin, a salycylic gel [...]

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10 Amazing Health Benefits & Uses Of Tomato Soup

Tomato soup is one of the most commonly made soups in India & Bangladesh . The tomatoes are first roasted, stewed and later pureed to make a creamy and rich juice. This healthy, low calorie food goes best with grilled sandwiches. You can serve it as a comforting lunch or as a sophisticated starter at a dinner party.  Health Benefits Of Tomato Soup: Each bowl of tomato soup simmers with several nutrients that are highly beneficial for health. It contains vitamin [...]

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10 Best Foods For Heart Health To Include In Your Diet

It’s time to get serious about the health of your heart. In this article, we hunt for some of the best foods that will protect you from cardiovascular disease. Indeed, the number of people with heart disease is on the rise. It’s now the biggest killer of adult Americans, and in 2008 it killed one out of four people. That’s an incredible stat, and it’s one that won’t go down unless people start to change their diets for the better. [...]

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Whey Protein For Weight Loss: How To Consume This Protein Supplement To Shed Kilos

Whey protein is one of the most popular protein supplements consumed by health freaks around the world. This is because protein is one of the most important micronutrients needed by the body. The protein supplement is usually available in powder form and can be easily added to healthy beverages to bump up your daily protein intake. Whey is actually a by-product of milk, which is left behind during the manufacturing of cheese. Whey is considered to be a high-quality [...]

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How to lose belly fat and get a six pack without sweat?

Do you: a) Want to shift stubborn belly fat? b) Want a six pack? c) Don’t want to have to exhaust yourself so much at the gym that you never want to see another treadmill in your whole life? If you answered yes to all those questions, we have got the answers for you in this article. At Beauty and Tips, we’re just like you. We want to shift weight and work out. But we don’t want to sweat buckets while doing so. We [...]

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10 essential vitamins and minerals necessary for faster hair growth

Many of us have a love/hate relationship with our hair. We can’t live without it but a bad hair day is enough for us to want to stay indoors forever or just rip our mane out for good. Of course, we wouldn’t actually do that. Our hair is what defines us. Without it, we’d struggle to even leave the house and many of us spend half our lives trying to get it right! However, as you get older, your [...]

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35 Benefits of drinking carrot juice

Started drinking carrot juice recently and want to know what kind of benefits you’re getting from it? In this article, Beauty and Tips takes a look at the best 35.Carrots are a really popular vegetable. Think back to when you were a kid and your mom tried really had to get you to eat more fruit and veg. She probably didn’t have much luck, right? However, when it came to carrots you probably thought they weren’t that bad – [...]

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10 simple tips on how to lose weight in 10 days naturally

If you ever thought it would be really difficult or, like, virtually impossible to lose weight in 10 days, Beauty and Tips is going to show you how it’s totally possible – and super easy! There is a science to losing weight but there are equally lots of myths surrounding how hard it is. Lots of people struggle to shed some pounds because they’re under the impression that losing weight is hard work and demands a LOT of effort from [...]

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How to Create a Balanced Diet for Women

Diets for women are not primarily weight-loss focused, but formulated to offer the most opportune nutrients for a happier, healthier life! Healthy Meal Plan for Women Creating a healthy diet for women is similar to a healthy diet for all, including the general 2,000-calories coming from whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and healthy fats. Women are further advised to pay attention to appropriate serving and portion sizes, along with practicing mindful eating techniques to nurture a healthy relationship with food [...]

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6 Best Weight Loss Tips for Men

Whether it be for weight maintenance or weight loss, any sort of weight-related process may seem daunting. Though obstacles are often inevitable, these men’s weight loss tips will make the journey seem a little less effortless! No matter what it’s for, any sort of weight-related process may seem daunting. Add in busy schedules and life responsibilities, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can appear far from the finish line. However, it is important to remember health is a never-ending process [...]

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Face Care Tips: 10 Dos and Don’ts for Naturally Beautiful Skin

The flawless, blemish and acne-free skin that you’ve always desired is no more a dream, but reality. Here are brilliant face care tips to get that glow you’ve always wanted. Browse through our beauty secrets, tackle your skincare issues and follow our tricks regularly to get beautiful skin naturally. Excited, happy or stressed, it’s your face that gives you away. So we’ve rounded up expert tips on daily skin care, keeping blemishes at bay and enhancing your natural beauty. [...]

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10 best foods to eat for a healthy liver

Every time we go out at the weekend and have a tad too much to drink, we joke about the damage we’re doing to our liver. But have you ever stopped to really think about the damage you’re doing and how diet can play an important role in keeping your liver healthy? Your liver is kinda an important organ. It’s your biggest detoxifying organ, which means it’s responsible for cleaning out your system, eliminating nasty toxins and chemicals so that [...]

A New Study Says There’s No Limit To The Human Life Span

In the early 1900s it was perfectly normal for people to kick the bucket at age 50. These days, the average life expectancy in the US is around 80 years old, and centenarians — people who are 100 years or older — are becoming more and more common. Dean Bradshaw Now, science suggests that humans could — theoretically — live forever. A June 28 study by a team of biologists at McGill University found there isn’t a detectable maximum life expectancy [...]

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Someone people cannot start their mornings without a classic avocado on toast. While this may seem like a fun brunch trend, avocado is here to stay. However, avocado does much more than feed your body delicious nutrients. That’s right! Avocado works wonders for skin as well. This is because this little green egg is packed full of amino acids and health fats that plump and repair the skin. So next time you hit the market pick up a couple [...]

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8 beauty tips every woman must know

Women love beauty tips and are always on the lookout for get-gorgeous tricks that will make your hair shinier and skin flawless. We have the round up of some of the best beauty tricks every woman must know 1) Use green tea for beauty Besides being a miraculous detox drink, green tea can be miraculous for your skin too. Green tea bags help in reducing swelling and stiffening the skin. When placed over closed eyes, the cooled tea bags can act [...]

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Face Care Tips: 10 Dos and Don’ts for Naturally Beautiful Skin

The flawless, blemish and acne-free skin that you’ve always desired is no more a dream, but reality.Here are brilliant face care tips to get that glow you’ve always wanted. Browse through our beauty secrets, tackle your skincare issues and follow our tricks regularly to get beautiful skin naturally. Excited, happy or stressed, it’s your face that gives you away. So we’ve rounded up expert tips on daily skin care, keeping blemishes at bay and enhancing your natural beauty. Whether you [...]

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Summer Skin Care: Home Remedies For Flawless Skin

“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day,” said Shakespeare in his sonnet. Clearly, when he said this, he didn’t have the Indian summers in mind. Summers in India are getting hotter year-by-year, meaning every beauty conscious person’s nightmare. The sun tans the skin severely, hot winds cause skin damage and the dust and grime clog the pores. Beauty products abound in the market, each claiming to be the best for you. But, hold on! Before you loosen your purse strings for those [...]

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Here’s How You Can Detain Naturally Using Mango Pulp

Summers are here in full swing and so is the need to binge on summer fruit like mango. Mango is not only delicious but also packs a host of health benefiting properties. It can do wonders for your overall health, provided it’s consumed in moderation. Other than its consumption, mango can be used on the face as well in the form of face packs. Mango pulp when applied onto the skin can treat a host of skin problems, one of which being tanned [...]

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6 Quick Bodybuilding Tips That Will Get You Faster Results!

Coming up with your perfect bodybuilding workout program and diet to match can seem like quite the process. You have to plan how many days a week you’re going to workout, what exercises you will include in your program, how long your rest periods will be, how many reps you should perform for each exercise, and on and on it goes.Many individuals do tend to feel slightly overwhelmed with the amount of information available out there as to what [...]

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Basic Relaxation Technique & Tips

Numerous studies have proven that correct, intentional breathing is a powerful tool for reducing stress and promoting health. At Reflections Recovery, we use a program known as Breathe work Therapy as our main relaxation therapy for treating addiction. When the body and mind are truly relaxed, often deeper issues rise to the surface of the conscious mind, where they can be used to actively engage a client’s process of recovery. Addiction Treatment Through Relaxation Technique Addicts in recovery face unprecedented levels [...]

Posted By Category: HealthComments: 0Post Date: May 13, 2018

12 Ways to Improve Back Pain

Should you wear a back brace and take it easy? Maybe not. it is critical that people address any back pain or injury right away. “Early intervention can help prevent a chronic problem from developing and obviate the need for medication and surgery,”Thanks to a combination of activity, core strengthening exercises, and physical therapy, Hayes says her symptoms have improved dramatically over the last year. Here are 12 ways to help alleviate back pain: 1. Limit Bed Rest Studies show that people with short-term low-back pain [...]

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Curd For Hair: How To Use Dahi To Have Healthy Hair

Everyone knows that curd is a great for having healthy hair, but only a few know how to use it to create the magic. Using curd for hair care is one of the oldest remedies in India. Power-packed with anti-bacterial properties, curd is an excellent ingredient to keep scalp infections at bay, moreover, it is known to reduce stubborn dandruff and itchiness. In addition, curd is rich in vitamin B5 and D, which makes it an excellent super food for our hair. But, [...]

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3 Most Important Hormones for a Woman’s Good Health

It’s a popular punchline in movies and TV sitcoms when a woman is acting irrational — “It’s her hormones.” As it turns out, there’s more than a kernel of truth in this stereotype. While wonky hormone levels can’t be blamed for every strange thing a woman says or does, they can be the culprit in a variety of areas. Estrogens This household-name hormone is produced in the ovaries and helps control sexual development (puberty, menstrual cycle, pregnancy) and also maintain bone [...]

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Women’s Health Tips for Heart, Mind, and Body

 Looking for the path toward a healthier you? It’s not hard to find. The journey begins with some simple tweaks to your lifestyle. The right diet, exercise, and stress-relief plan all play a big role. Follow a Heart-Healthy Diet There’s an easy recipe if your goal is to keep away problems like heart disease and strokes. Eat more fruits and veggies. Choose whole grains. Try brown rice instead of white. Switch to whole wheat pasta. Choose lean proteins like poultry, fish, beans, and legumes. Cut [...]

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15 Herbal Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin

Glowing skin is a craving that all we women suffer from! Such is our madness that we try every product that claims to give us glowing skin. We completely ignore the fact that glowing is an indication of our skin being healthy. And healthy skin is the only sure lasting way to have glowing skin. Packaged products work on our external features alone and they chemically active which Is definitely not good on the long run. So, go herbal! [...]

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10 Fascinating Facts About Body Temperature

What’s Normal Body Temperature? Is your body temperature 98.6 degrees and falling? If so, it can reveal a lot about your health. In fact, body temperature is one of four vital signs doctors watch for, the other three being blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration rate. As you probably know, 98.6 degrees F is considered a normal body temperature, though healthy adults can range between 97.8 degrees F and 99 degrees F. Our bodies also constantly adapt their temperature according to environmental [...]

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What Is ‘Raw’ Water, and Should You Drink It?

Raw water enthusiasts say that drinking water that is untreated and unfiltered is safe and healthier than tap water. Find out what the research says. “A glass of natural, untreated water that meets every state and federal standard for drinking safety and is free of man-made contamination, or a glass of river water from New York mixed with chlorine, fluoride, anti-corrosives, nitrate, and pharmaceuticals. Which would you prefer?” If you drink from the tap, then glass number two describes the components [...]

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PCOD Diet: The Right Diet Can Go a Long Way in Helping You Deal With PCOD

PCOD, or Polycystic Ovary Disease, is a kind of hormonal disorder that affects one in 10 women. It refers to a condition when a woman has a number of small cysts in the ovaries. Besides unpredictable hormonal behaviour, this condition can trigger diabetes, infertility, acne and excessive hair growth.It’s a fairly common disorder, but one with no exact cure. Most PCOD patients are overweight and are advised to exercise regularly, which can further help to control the symptoms. However, majority [...]

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The Thyroid Diet: 6 Ways to Heal Thyroid with Food

Thyroid is the most important, yet the most neglected gland in our body. The butterfly-shaped gland secretes hormones that manage essential functions in our body like metabolising food, regulating our sleep pattern, weight management, mood swings, depression and anxiety. Healthcare practitioners solely rely on blood tests, and subsequently ‘prescription hormone therapy’ to treat thyroid related problems. The attention to food and nutrients to encourage proper functioning of the gland is often ignored. The nutrients that the thyroid gland needs are easily available in many food items. [...]

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Ketogenic Diet Deconstructed: Should You Follow it?

Would you really want be to the hamster subjected to medical research and studies? If your answer is no, then maybe you should rethink trying those fad-diets, which are, in reality, the outcome of some medical research carried out in order to combat a certain disease. Interestingly, these days the most popular diet regimes are dominantly low-carb in nature. As I had previously talked about Atkins diet, wherein your meals are literally devoid of carbohydrates and are mostly fats and primarily protein. Apparently, the diet was an aftermath of the [...]

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GM Diet : What is GM Diet Plan and How Does it Help in Weight-Loss in 7 Days

Highlights GM diet was propounded by General Motors for its employees It works by eating specific foods items on dedicated days for a week The diet is low in fat, sugar and sodium and thus aids weight loss We assume that something must be worth it if it is being practiced for years? But, not necessarily! The GM diet has been in existence for over three decades now. It was propounded by General Motors to increase the productivity and efficiency of its employees [...]

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HealthHigh Blood Pressure?

Follow The DASH Diet That May Help Regulate And Manage Hypertension High Blood Pressure? Follow The DASH Diet That May Help Regulate And Manage Hypertension In the world full of weight loss diet, we have the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or the DASH diet, which is believed to help treat hypertension or high blood pressure. The DASH diet encourages you to reduce sodium intake in your diet and add more variety of foods rich in nutrients that help reduce [...]

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Ayurveda For Eyes: Home Remedies And Diet Tips To Follow During Summers

Imagine the world without the efficient functioning of the eyes; blank, isn’t it? Summers are upon us and it is time to take extra care of them, especially as they are most exposed to heat, sun, pollution, et al, which may further lead to weaker eyesight, conjunctivitis, pre-mature macular degeneration and vision problems. While one of the best ways to take care of your eyes is to wash them with water, it is imperative to load up on healthy [...]

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Are Fad Diets Causing Excessive Hair Loss? Read This!

Who wouldn’t love to lose weight and look fit? Well, we all do. However, it is not an easy task to cut down on those kilos, as it needs immense amount of hard work, patience and dedication. A balanced diet and exercise along with other factors help lose weight. Nowadays, most of us lose patience and resort to easier ways of shedding extra weight, one of them being following fad diets. These fad diets promise to help you lose weight [...]

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Vitamin A For Health: 5 Benefits Of Consuming Foods Rich In Vitamin A

Our body needs a number of nutrients in the form of minerals and vitamins to function properly. A deficiency of any of these minerals and vitamins leads to a deficiency in the body, which manifests itself in the form of a number of symptoms that can lead to illnesses. While some of these nutrients are produced by the body, some others need to be provided to it. This is why we need to have a balanced diet to include [...]

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Broccoli Nutrition: This Nutritional Showstopper Can Do Wonders For Your Health

Broccoli is the edible flowering head of a green plant that derived its name from the Italian plural broccolo- flowering crest of cabbage. Its history dates back to the 6th Century BC, and is the outcome of careful breeding of Brassica crops in northern Mediterranean region. A valuable food in the Roman Empire, it was taken to England in the mid-18th century and reached the USA along with the southern Italian immigrants. Broccoli belongs to the group of cruciferous vegetables, which [...]

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Tips To Make Pasta Healthy, 12 Expert Tips

When you are not in the mood for cooking, pasta comes to mind; after all it is easy-to-make and equally delicious. However, depending on what’s included in your dish, it can also quickly change from a great choice to a high-calorie meal (read: cheesy meal). This delightful treat can become wholesome only if you add the right ingredients to it. So, if you are looking to lose weight and wish to enjoy pasta, all you need to do is [...]

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Moong Dal For Skin And Hair: 6 Amazing Homemade Green Gram Face And Hair Packs

Moong dal is a very common lentil found in many Indian homes. It is highly nutritious and is a very good source of plant protein that vegetarians swear by. Yellow dal and chawal is on the list of comfort foods for many Indians even now. The dal is now gaining international fame, with many westerners warming up to the moong bean and using whole moong or green gram in salads, in the both sprouted and dry forms. Moreover, as an increasing number of people around the world convert [...]

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5 Foods That Help Get Rid Of Dark Circles

Highlights Dark circles take time to cure and require great discipline Maintaining a better lifestyle and consuming vitamin-rich food may help Foods that may help you to get rid of your dark circles Under eye skin is one the most delicate parts of our body. Consuming alcohol, lack of sleep, ageing, caffeine and lack of proper intake of water can result in dark circles around our eyes. Sometimes dark circles are so stubborn that we end up trying all the possible remedies in [...]

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Tomatoes For Skin Care: Here’s How You Can Use Tomatoes For Soft And Supple Skin

When it comes to skin care, tomatoes are one of my favourite and most effective remedies for a clear and clean skin. Not only are these humble robust red balls full of nutrients but also highly effective in healing and clarifying the skin. Slightly acidic in nature, tomatoes contain high contents of potassium and vitamin C; this transforms the dullest of skins and restores glow to the skin. Tomatoes also have lycopene, which is an antioxidant that helps fight free [...]

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45 best health tips ever

We’ve done the legwork for you and here they are: the 45 best health tips. Make that 46 – taking the time to read this tops the list. 1. Copy your kitty: Learn to do stretching exercises when you wake up. It boosts circulation and digestion, and eases back pain. 2. Don’t skip breakfast. Studies show that eating a proper breakfast is one of the most positive things you can do if you are trying to lose weight. Breakfast skippers tend to gain weight. A balanced breakfast [...]

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