How to lose belly fat and get a six pack without sweat?

How to lose belly fat and get a six pack without sweat?

Do you:

  1. a) Want to shift stubborn belly fat?
  2. b) Want a six pack?
  3. c) Don’t want to have to exhaust yourself so much at the gym that you never want to see another treadmill in your whole life?

If you answered yes to all those questions, we have got the answers for you in this article.

At Beauty and Tips, we’re just like you. We want to shift weight and work out. But we don’t want to sweat buckets while doing so. We want the easy life! Unfortunately, so many people make losing belly fat seem like such hard work that most of us just give up one week into our new no-carb, no-fat, no-freaking-fun diet. However, losing weight and developing a six pack doesn’t need to be so unglamorous. It doesn’t need to mean 6am wake-up calls, a no-fun diet, and a treadmill that never seems to end. It can actually be really easy. How easy? Let’s take a look at how to lose belly fat and get a six pack without breaking a sweat.

Do Interval Workouts

When it comes to losing belly fat and revealing our six pack abs, so many of us go for long duration cardio. Why? Because we’re told it works. It’s okay, but abdominal exercises and interval workouts is a much better way to shift the bulge. While you’re recovering from an interval workout, do an ab exercise, such as planking or reverse crunches.

Avoid Sugar

The easiest way to cling onto your belly fat that you hate is to keep indulging in added sugar. Each bite of a candy bar you take, each spoonful of sugar you add to your tea and each sip of your coke – all adds up. You’re only as good as your weakest link. If your weakest link is an addiction to the white stuff, it could be what’s stopping you from shifting your unwanted belly fat. The problem with sugar is that half of it is fructose. Think of fructose as being the evil twin, with glucose being the better (but not awesome) twin. When you consume too much fructose, your liver can’t cope and turns it into fat. And where does this fat get stored? Most of it gets stashed away in your belly. Not cool.

The more sugar you consume, the more you are at risk of becoming insulin resistant. And when this happens, even more fat begins to accumulate in your belly. And it becomes a lot harder to eliminate. So a great tip on how to lose belly fat without breaking a sweat is to avoid as much added sugar as you possibly can – if not all.

Eat Healthy Fats

There are two different kinds of fat:

Good fats

Bad fats

Because all calories are created equal, eating good fats instead of bad fats will not necessarily help you lose weight on the surface of it. But it’s not the calorific content we’re focusing on here. Good fats help to stabilise your insulin levels, which is exactly what you need as you look to shift unwanted belly fats and expose your six pack. Excellent sources of good fats include some vegetable and seed oils, nuts, avocados, as well as seeds.

Consume More Vitamin C

Vitamin C is good for a lot of things, but right now it’s very important for helping you shift belly fat and tone up. Vitamin C helps your body produce more carnitine, a compound that converts fat into energy. You can find vitamin C in fresh fruit and vegetables, such as oranges, kiwis, kale and peppers.

Eat More Protein

Yup, shifting belly fat and replacing it with a six pack can be as simple as eating healthily. Eating the right things, that’s it. Protein has long been heralded as a muscle food, primarily because it helps to build tissues and repair muscles. It also boosts your metabolism and helps you to feel full for longer, thus preventing overeating. In fact, we’d go as far as saying consuming more protein is the single best thing you can do right now as you look to lose belly fat. Naturally, what helps is the quality of the protein you’re eating. Add the likes of fish, eggs, whole grains and lean meat (turkey) to your diet and you’ll be well on the way to getting the look you want.

Sleep More

Hey, we said we’d teach you how to lose belly fat the easy way, and there is literally no easier way than sleeping more! Yup, you have free reign so sleep as much as you want. If your boss has the temerity to ask why you’re sleeping on your desk, just tell him you’re losing weight. Does he want you to stay like this forever?

The reason sleep works is because lack of sleep doesn’t work. Lack of sleep screws with your hormones, leading to an increase in insulin sensitivity. When this happens, insulin isn’t able to convert sugar into energy with as much efficiency. Instead, that sugar gets turned into fat. Sleeping more, on the other hand, keeps your hormones in check.

Drink Green Tea

Drinking green tea is another great tip on how to lose belly fat without breaking a sweat. However, the mere thought of drinking green tea is enough to bring some people out in sweats simply because of how it tastes. Green tea gets your metabolism moving and should be an essential now that you’re serious about losing weight and getting toned. If you really don’t like the taste, there are flavoured green teas you can drink.

Drink Lots Of Water

Our inal tip on how to lose belly fat is simple – drink more water; to keep the weight off, you should aim to drink between 5 to 8 glasses of water per day. Water is the elixir of life, but not enough of us drink as much as we should. Not only does water keep you properly hydrated and flush toxins out of your system, it also keeps you feeling full for longer. Moreover, it’s the best replacement for sugary drinks there is.

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