Trending Diets

6 Best Weight Loss Tips for Men

Whether it be for weight maintenance or weight loss, any sort of weight-related process may seem daunting. Though obstacles are often inevitable, these men’s weight loss tips will make the journey seem a little less effortless! No matter what it’s for, any sort of weight-related process may seem daunting. Add in busy schedules and life responsibilities, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can appear far from the finish line. However, it is important to remember health is a never-ending process [...]


Women’s Health Tips for Heart, Mind, and Body

 Looking for the path toward a healthier you? It’s not hard to find. The journey begins with some simple tweaks to your lifestyle. The right diet, exercise, and stress-relief plan all play a big role. Follow a Heart-Healthy Diet There’s an easy recipe if your goal is to keep away problems like heart disease and strokes. Eat more fruits and veggies. Choose whole grains. Try brown rice instead of white. Switch to whole wheat pasta. Choose lean proteins like poultry, fish, beans, and legumes. Cut [...]


PCOD Diet: The Right Diet Can Go a Long Way in Helping You Deal With PCOD

PCOD, or Polycystic Ovary Disease, is a kind of hormonal disorder that affects one in 10 women. It refers to a condition when a woman has a number of small cysts in the ovaries. Besides unpredictable hormonal behaviour, this condition can trigger diabetes, infertility, acne and excessive hair growth.It’s a fairly common disorder, but one with no exact cure. Most PCOD patients are overweight and are advised to exercise regularly, which can further help to control the symptoms. However, majority [...]


The Thyroid Diet: 6 Ways to Heal Thyroid with Food

Thyroid is the most important, yet the most neglected gland in our body. The butterfly-shaped gland secretes hormones that manage essential functions in our body like metabolising food, regulating our sleep pattern, weight management, mood swings, depression and anxiety. Healthcare practitioners solely rely on blood tests, and subsequently ‘prescription hormone therapy’ to treat thyroid related problems. The attention to food and nutrients to encourage proper functioning of the gland is often ignored. The nutrients that the thyroid gland needs are easily available in many food items. [...]


Ketogenic Diet Deconstructed: Should You Follow it?

Would you really want be to the hamster subjected to medical research and studies? If your answer is no, then maybe you should rethink trying those fad-diets, which are, in reality, the outcome of some medical research carried out in order to combat a certain disease. Interestingly, these days the most popular diet regimes are dominantly low-carb in nature. As I had previously talked about Atkins diet, wherein your meals are literally devoid of carbohydrates and are mostly fats and primarily protein. Apparently, the diet was an aftermath of the [...]


GM Diet : What is GM Diet Plan and How Does it Help in Weight-Loss in 7 Days

Highlights GM diet was propounded by General Motors for its employees It works by eating specific foods items on dedicated days for a week The diet is low in fat, sugar and sodium and thus aids weight loss We assume that something must be worth it if it is being practiced for years? But, not necessarily! The GM diet has been in existence for over three decades now. It was propounded by General Motors to increase the productivity and efficiency of its employees [...]


HealthHigh Blood Pressure?

Follow The DASH Diet That May Help Regulate And Manage Hypertension High Blood Pressure? Follow The DASH Diet That May Help Regulate And Manage Hypertension In the world full of weight loss diet, we have the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or the DASH diet, which is believed to help treat hypertension or high blood pressure. The DASH diet encourages you to reduce sodium intake in your diet and add more variety of foods rich in nutrients that help reduce [...]