Author - aamaari

Top 10 skin whitening tips for face and body

In today’s era, everyone wants fair complexion, fairer skin and good looks to show herself/himself healthy and beautiful. So, friends, we have come up with Top Ten Best Skin Whitening Tips for you. These days, every girl wants fair skin and glow on her face and body. So here, we are sharing some Homemade Skin Whitening Tips for you. All are Natural Skin Whitening Tips with no side effects. By using this you can get a glowing skin. Skin Whitening Tips [...]


5 Fruits You should Include In Your Cholesterol Diet

Did you know heart ailments were the top killers globally in the year 2016? When it comes to heart, it is critical that you take advices from trusted sources. One of the most common conditions faced by people of today’s generation is that of their high ‘cholesterol’ levels, which is taking a toll on their heart health. What was earlier seen as a problem associated with old age, is slowly findings its way amongst young adults too. Cholesterol is [...]


15 Things Women With Perfect Skin Do Every Day

Everyone knows at least one woman with seemingly perfect skin. Every time you see her glowing face, you think, Seriously, how does she do it? What kind of magical procedures is she getting? Which expensive creams is she using? Here’s the thing: Her secret is simple — she has flawless skin because she’s nailed the best daily routine. Another secret? So can you. 1.She uses the correct cleanser for her skin type. “For oily or acne prone skin, a salycylic gel [...]


10 Amazing Health Benefits & Uses Of Tomato Soup

Tomato soup is one of the most commonly made soups in India & Bangladesh . The tomatoes are first roasted, stewed and later pureed to make a creamy and rich juice. This healthy, low calorie food goes best with grilled sandwiches. You can serve it as a comforting lunch or as a sophisticated starter at a dinner party.  Health Benefits Of Tomato Soup: Each bowl of tomato soup simmers with several nutrients that are highly beneficial for health. It contains vitamin [...]


10 Best Foods For Heart Health To Include In Your Diet

It’s time to get serious about the health of your heart. In this article, we hunt for some of the best foods that will protect you from cardiovascular disease. Indeed, the number of people with heart disease is on the rise. It’s now the biggest killer of adult Americans, and in 2008 it killed one out of four people. That’s an incredible stat, and it’s one that won’t go down unless people start to change their diets for the better. [...]


Whey Protein For Weight Loss: How To Consume This Protein Supplement To Shed Kilos

Whey protein is one of the most popular protein supplements consumed by health freaks around the world. This is because protein is one of the most important micronutrients needed by the body. The protein supplement is usually available in powder form and can be easily added to healthy beverages to bump up your daily protein intake. Whey is actually a by-product of milk, which is left behind during the manufacturing of cheese. Whey is considered to be a high-quality [...]


How to lose belly fat and get a six pack without sweat?

Do you: a) Want to shift stubborn belly fat? b) Want a six pack? c) Don’t want to have to exhaust yourself so much at the gym that you never want to see another treadmill in your whole life? If you answered yes to all those questions, we have got the answers for you in this article. At Beauty and Tips, we’re just like you. We want to shift weight and work out. But we don’t want to sweat buckets while doing so. We [...]


10 essential vitamins and minerals necessary for faster hair growth

Many of us have a love/hate relationship with our hair. We can’t live without it but a bad hair day is enough for us to want to stay indoors forever or just rip our mane out for good. Of course, we wouldn’t actually do that. Our hair is what defines us. Without it, we’d struggle to even leave the house and many of us spend half our lives trying to get it right! However, as you get older, your [...]


35 Benefits of drinking carrot juice

Started drinking carrot juice recently and want to know what kind of benefits you’re getting from it? In this article, Beauty and Tips takes a look at the best 35.Carrots are a really popular vegetable. Think back to when you were a kid and your mom tried really had to get you to eat more fruit and veg. She probably didn’t have much luck, right? However, when it came to carrots you probably thought they weren’t that bad – [...]


10 simple tips on how to lose weight in 10 days naturally

If you ever thought it would be really difficult or, like, virtually impossible to lose weight in 10 days, Beauty and Tips is going to show you how it’s totally possible – and super easy! There is a science to losing weight but there are equally lots of myths surrounding how hard it is. Lots of people struggle to shed some pounds because they’re under the impression that losing weight is hard work and demands a LOT of effort from [...]