10 Amazing Health Benefits & Uses Of Tomato Soup

10 Amazing Health Benefits & Uses Of Tomato Soup

Tomato soup is one of the most commonly made soups in India & Bangladesh . The tomatoes are first roasted, stewed and later pureed to make a creamy and rich juice. This healthy, low calorie food goes best with grilled sandwiches. You can serve it as a comforting lunch or as a sophisticated starter at a dinner party.

 Health Benefits Of Tomato Soup:

Each bowl of tomato soup simmers with several nutrients that are highly beneficial for health. It contains vitamin E, A, C, K, essential minerals and antioxidants that can keep you healthy and fit. The health benefits of tomato soup include:

1.Bone Health:

The vitamin K and calcium present in tomato soup can help you get healthy bones. Lycopene in tomato soup improves bone mass, fighting osteoporosis. Consuming tomato soup regularly reduces the blood levels of TNF alpha by 34%. A deficiency in lycopene can increase oxidative stress in the bones and bring unwanted changes in the tissues. You can keep these issues at bay by making tomato soup a regular during your meal times!

2.Cardiovascular Health:

The high levels of vitamin C in tomato soup provide arterial protection. It strengthens the heart and protects it from diseases like blockage of arteries and stroke. It reduces the deposition of fats in the blood vessels, reducing bad cholesterol. Tomato soup also prevents the clumping of platelet cells in the blood.

3.Disease-Fighting Lycopene:

As mentioned before, tomato soup comes packed with lycopene, the pigment that gives the fruit its bright color. Processed tomato contains more lycopene than raw ones. Lycopene neutralizes the oxidative damage caused by the free radicals, a molecule that causes ageing. A diet rich in lycopene can also help fight chronic diseases and stroke. A cup of tomato soup provides 13.3 milligrams of lycopene. That’s enough to keep your body fighting fit!

4.Blood Circulation:

Selenium in tomato soup promotes blood circulation, preventing anemia. One of the amazing benefits of tomato soup! One serving of tomato soup provides 7 micrograms of selenium, amounting to 11% of the daily recommended allowance.

5.Mental Health:

The high concentrations of copper in tomato soup boost to the nervous system. Potassium aids in the transmission of the nerve signals. All these ensures that your mental health remains top notch.


Tomato soup is an excellent source of vitamin A and C. Vitamin A is required for tissue development. It activates the genes of the newborn cells, helping it grow to a mature tissue. A bowl of tomato soup provides 16% of the daily-recommended value of vitamin A. Vitamin C is required to maintain healthy tendons and ligaments. Tomato soup provides 20% of the daily-recommended value of vitamin C. So, a bowl full of tomato soup a day can definitely help to keep the body healthy!

7.Weight Loss:

Tomato soup benefits weight loss, when prepared with olive oil. It can be very beneficial for those who are on a weight loss diet. It is rich in water and fiber that keeps you full for longer time. Dieters recommend tomato soup to burn off calories and fat deposits from the body. This is definitely a yummy way to lose weight, right?


Tomato soup contains antioxidants like lycopene and carotenoid, which can help prevent the possibility of cancer in both men and women. The high levels of antioxidants in tomato soup reduce oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. Consuming tomato soup thrice a week can help to prevent breast, prostate, and colon cancer. It also protects the body from stomach and colorectal cancer.

9.Male Fertility:

Researchers have claimed that a bowl of tomato soup daily can boost fertility in men. Lycopene in tomato soup can turn a sperm into super-sperm! In a research conducted by a university in Portsmouth, six healthy men were asked to consume tomato soup daily for 2 weeks. The results found a marked increase in their sperm count. Tomato soup also helps to scavenge free radicals, which can cause infertility in men. So, if you are trying to conceive, add tomato soup to your diet!


Tomato soup can be an excellent addition to a diabetic patient’s diet. It contains chromium, a mineral that helps in the regulation of blood sugar.

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